Save for your future - or someone else's!
Contact one of our new account officers to open a savings account today!
Whether you're saving money for the short term or the long term, a savings account is a great place to start.
- New TV
- Vacation
- Furthering your education
- Retirement
An FDIC-insured savings account is a great way to save up money for your child or grandchild's future. Because savings accounts earn interest every 3 months, you can start a college fund, teach your children about saving money and watch their savings accounts grow as they do.
- Teach them about saving money
- First car
- College Tuition
Minimum Opening Balance 1: $50.00 (A service charge of $7.50 will be charged if the balance falls below $50.00 during the quarter)
Fee Per Withdrawal: $5.00 per withdrawal after 3 per month
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest 1: $50.00
Compounding Frequency: Quarterly
Dormant Account Fee: $10.00 per quarter after 1 year
Interest Payment Frequency: Quarterly (March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, December 1st)
Replacement Passbook: $5.00
1 - Minimum balance does not apply to students.